Where do you source your products?

All of our products are made by us, here on our homestead. We buy organic herbs, but like to grow our own when possible. Our essential oils are organic and from Plant Therapy. Our tallow is from a farm in Westfield, NC.

Is your tallow grass fed?

Our tallow is grass fed, but not finished therefore our supplier has assured us that the tallow is 95% grass fed. Having grass fed AND finished beef can be very hard to do, especially when cattle need to be enticed to just get into a trailer for butchering. We use this tallow for ourselves and would never sell a product we did not believe in 100%. The quality is the best that we can provide.

Does whipped tallow smell like beef fat?

There will always be a faint smell to tallow, but through the rendering process much of it is done away with. The unscented whipped tallow will have a slight smell to it because there are no other scents added. The organically scented whipped tallows we offer - we find - do not have a smell to them!

What benefits does tallow have?

We’re so glad you asked!

  • Tallow has vitamins A, K, D and E. Other skincare does too, but what makes tallow ten times better is that these vitamins are not man made. These are bioavailable in the tallow as it is. God’s perfect design provides benefits without alteration.

  • Another perfect design from God - Linoleic Acid. This stuff has omega06 fatty acids and antioxidants that help to moisturize and fight inflammation. It has been said to reduce acne, minimize scarring, and repair the skin.

  • Naturally anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. Unlike an antibiotic, tallow doesn’t strip your skin of good bacteria, but it will help target the bad stuff (like acne, redness, and other inflammation).

  • It won’t clog your pores! Tallow works with your skin’s natural barrier and shouldn’t clog your pores or cause breakouts!

  • Tallow mimics your skin’s natural barrier. What does this mean? This means that tallow is essentially a skincare superfood (think sourdough for your skin). Because tallow is an animal product, our skin recognizes it more easily than plant based products. The makeup of tallow is actually super similar to our own skin DNA. This is why tallow can quickly heal wounds and reverse skin damage!

Who should use tallow?

We start using tallow on our babies the day they are born. We lather a layer of unscented or lavender tallow onto their bottoms to help those yucky first poops slide right off (IYKYK). As our kids get older we use tallow to repair skin damage (cuts, scrapes, etc.) and as a moisturizer after bath time. We use tallow on our skin daily, head to toe.


Do you make all of your own products?

Yes we do! Whenever we decide to make a product for our own family as part of our goal to be more self sufficient, we make extra to share with the community. If there is a good response, we will add it to our product lineup. We use every one of these products with our own family!

What kind of goats do you raise?

We raise Mini Lamancha goats. We chose this breed because of their hardiness and milk production. While milking a goat with larger teats sometimes is enticing, we wouldn’t trade our Mancha girls for anything. Because of their hardiness we have had no issues kidding, and do not have to give chemical anti-parasitic drugs. They respond very well to change and herbal/natural care routines.

What do you feed your animals?

Our goats only get pasture and quality hay when not lactating. Once they are about 1 month from kidding we introduce high quality non-gmo grains and they get this on the stand when milking. Our chickens and ducks get non-gmo feed once per day, but free range our 2 acres.